Bowen Therapist in Launceston
Marie Paterson is a qualified Bowen Therapist - Human, Equine and Canine.
Marie treats people and dogs at her clinic in Launceston, Tasmania and travels to treat dogs and horses.
Bowen Therapy is a technique which involves a series of small specific non-invasive moves to muscles, tendons and soft tissue fibres of the body.
It can treat a wide range of muscular, structural and visceral conditions and is so gentle it is suitable for all walks of life.
Bowen Therapy for people
Bowen moves are a form of gentle but precise soft tissue mobilisation. They're suitable for all ages and are focused on crucial junctions of muscle, ligament or tendon nerve pathways, blood and lymph circulation.
Bowen Therapy for dogs
Like people, animals respond very well to Bowen Therapy. Many problems can be painlessly resolved and whether the treatment is for a pet, show, agility or working animal, young or old, the benefits of Bowen are many.
Client stories
Bowen Therapy can achieve profound improvements in overall wellbeing and quality of life, as well as addressing specific physical complaints in people and animals. Read about some of our success stories.